If you've been couponing for a while or are just starting out, you know that most of the coupons you use come from your Sunday paper (75-85% of your coupons) and if you aren't getting the Sunday paper, you're missing out!
How many papers do you need?
GrocerySmarts.com rule of thumb is to have one Sunday paper per person in your household. That helps give you a great baseline to judge how much of anything you need for your family when "stockpiling" for the next 3-4 months.
So where do you get all these Sunday papers?
If you go to the Newsstands, you can get them. But here is the problem with getting them from the stands. You are not always guaranteed the coupons inside! Coupons are reserved for people who have a subscription. If there are any coupons inside the papers at the stands, it is only going to be whatever "extras" the printers had.
On top of that, I knew a gal that went early on a Sunday morning to pay for a couple Sunday papers so she could get the Inserts, and she saw the lady in front of her pay for one paper and go through all the rest of them and steel all the inserts from the others. This is totally dishonest and rude not to mention a million other things that are going through my brain, but the point is, you can never be sure you'll get coupons if you go to the stands.
Another thing to think about is the price. If you go on Sunday morning to the Newsstand, you can pay anywhere from $1.50-$2.00 for the one paper in Utah and it's much more than that in other areas. Right now, you can get subscriptions through me for less than $1 per paper, and that's with the guaranteed coupons inside!
I've got some great news that I'm very excited about!
I am now able to offer Newspapers to the following areas:
Anywhere in the State
Northern California:
Sacramento County
Yolo County
Sutter County
Colusa County
Yuba County
Nevada County
Placer County
El Dorado County
Amador County
Southern California:
Orange County
Clark County
Contact me for prices and papers available in your area.
On another note, be sure to watch the June 8th episode of TLC's Extreme Couponing.
The person featured is a user of our GrocerSmarts.com lists, and is in a "Normal" grocery environment (Las Vegas, where stores DON'T double coupons)! I'm pretty excited to see this one! Check your local listings for air times.