Saturday, March 26, 2011

Adventures at Checkout; Tips and Anecdotes: vol 1

Ok, so my husband had this idea when he went to the store the other day for me. I had printed out our list and cut out the coupons and he dutifully went to the store ready to save! He then came home saying, "I know what else you should blog about!" So... This is the ideas he had; to write about some of our trips and adventures at the checkout stand that we personally experience. Mistakes and triumphs as well as things we've seen others do, that we can all learn from to make our checkout ventures more smooth and pleasant for us and those around us as well.

On one particular trip, my husband had been sent to Smith's to get some gift cards that we needed. He was standing in line waiting patiently, while the lady in front of him had her beautifully organized coupon binder set out in front of her perched on her cart. While she was waiting for the person in front of her to finish their transaction, she was making final adjustments to her collection of groceries and making sure they were in the order she wanted them to be. Then, she turned to her binder and flipped through it, gathering the coupons she needed page by page as the conveyer slowly moved her items forward. By the time her items were all scanned, she had all of her coupons ready in hand to pass along to the cashier. My husband leaned forward to see how she had done on her shopping trip; total befor coupons $80.00. Total after coupons... Drum roll please... Only $60.00!

When I teach my classes I talk about 3 different shoppers, the first one I talk about is the average coupon shopper. This woman is definitely your average coupon shopper. She saves about $20-$30 each time she goes to the store. That is pretty dang good! But it was a little funny to me that it was my husband who thoug, If only she knew there was a easier, more efficient way.

I'm not mocking or cutting down any one else's method of couponing. I admire people who can take the time to save like that. But I also want pele to know that there is an easier way. And that you can save so much more each time you go to the store than just $20-$30.