Monday, August 29, 2011

Staying Social and Saving Money at the Same Time: Book Club

Being a Stay-At-Home mom, I know how important it is to have that "girls night out" at least once a month. But even going out just once a month with the girls can add up over time. $10.00 here, $20.00 there. And once in a while, maybe $50.00 under the rationalization that "I need to be out with other adults, and it is only once a month." But you can't not go... you'd drive yourself crazy (if your kids didn't do it for you).

So, the question then becomes: How do I stay social without spending money?

Lots of ideas may come to mind, at least they did for me, but my favorite so far; a Book Club!

Starting a book club can solve a few problems at once.
  • First, you get together with your girl friends and can talk about the book you just read, visit and have a great few hours together.
  •  Second, it takes the stress out of planning each month. No more having to wonder who can afford to go where or even just deciding where to go to eat. Hold it at your house, and each month you're set!
  •  Third, the best part about a girls night (at least for me) is getting to know new people! But what if you are all new? At a restaurant it could get awkward if you don't know each other and silence can be deafening if you just met. But at a book club... The topic is already set. Once you start talking about the book and discussing it, the topic will naturally shift into other categories and you may just find out how close of friends you can become.
This article at Vocalpoint  has some great ideas on how to start a book club and get the ball rolling.

Another great thing a bout a book club for me (even though this may still be spending money) is that it helps me expand my library! I love books! Some may argue that it is a waste of money to buy books when you can read them for free from your library; but I strongly feel that owning books can be a great and priceless investment.

Let's say that a natural disaster occurred and you are without power for a while. If you have books, you automatically have entertainment and information (if you have encyclopedias, medical books etc.). Just the fact thst you own books encourages children to invest their time in the written word.

Even if I spend $5-$12 on a new book each month, I am going to be saving a lot by not eating out and going to the movies or the spa each month with the girls. I'm still getting my social cup filled as well as pushing myself to read more (which I think is a very important think to do). Not to mention all the calories I'm saving from eating a few snacks at book club vs. all the fatty goodness of a restaurant.

Happy savings! (and happy reading)