Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Home-Made Facial Peel (or - Attack of the Fashoomass monster)

Oh my... My internet went down for a few days, and once we got it fixed I didn't have a second to blog. So sad!

But, I'm back now... again... and hopefully I'll be able to stay back this time!

While my internet was gone, I firstly realized how dependent on the internet my family and I have become. Pretty sure that's not a good thing. So in the future, I think we will try to become less and less dependent on it. My husband and I are going to sit down and figure a few things out that I think will help. I will also blog about that sometime down the road.

During those few days that we were virtually cut off from the rest of the world, we had a few other things go badly all at the same time. When it rains it pours, and when it pours... you need a spa day!!!

Well, being frugal and all, I can't afford that. So, I did the next best thing. I came across a recipe for a face peel to do at home, and thought I'd give it a try.

You will need:

1 Large tomato (I only had roma tomatoes, so that's what I used)
1 Packet unflavored Gelatine
1Tbls. Lemon Juice

The recipe also called for ylang ylang essential oil, about 2 drops... but I didn't have that so I just omitted it from my recipe. Ylang ylang helps to balance PH levels in your skin. So if you have it, use it, it's great! But don't go out and buy it just for this.

First, I found from this little experiment that the bigger and juicier the tomato, the better, so if you can, get a large steak tomato, stay away from the roma. Romas just don't have quite enough juice to do the job right. I had to add a little bit of water to mine because it was just too thick.

Take your tomato, and blend it up in a blender till it is a fine pulp. Pour your tomato into a microwave safe bowl.

Stir in the lemon juice and gelatine until blended well:

Microwave on high for about 30 seconds, then stir. Return to the microwave and heat on high for another 15-20 seconds and stir. Repeat heating the mixture at 15-20 second intervals (always stirring well in between) until it looks something like this:

Let it sit to cool until on your counter until it cool enough to touch without burning yourself, you still want it nice and warm though.

While your mask mix is cooling, wash your face clean, then soak a clean wash cloth in hot water and ring it out, then drape it over your face for until it cools (about 2-4 minutes). You'll want to repeat this step at least 6 times. This will open your pores nice and wide to really allow the mask to work the best.

My kids thought I was scary with the cloth on my face, so a "roared" and chased them out of the room :) I don't recommend running at all with the cloth on your face though, as I stubbed a toe doing that... but the laughs from my children almost made it worth it anyway.

Once your face is nice and warm and your mix is cool enough, apply the mask (leaning over a sink) with your fingers nice and thick. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes or until dry.

Once my kids saw this, they didn't think the wash cloth was that scary any more. They asked what was on my face, I said, "It's a facial mask" My two year old then laughed, and screamed, "AAAAAHHH!!! It's da fashoomass monster! Run! Run away!"

TIP: Don't get too close to your lips or eye-brows... unless your goal is PAIN!!!

Once it dries, you can peel it starting at the chin.

My face felt great afterwards, and it cost nothing to do! So if you have kids, and need to pamper yourself, give it a try... or if you just want a great half hour of chasing your kids around as a "fashoomass monster," That's a great time too! :)

Happy pampering!