Friday, March 11, 2011

Introduction of Randomness

Welcome to my blog! Hopefully I'll be able to put everything I do on here, in a way you;ll be able to understand and enjoy. I've only been using coupons for 4 and a half months, but since that time, out lives have changed SO MUCH for the better! Paying off debt and thriving on such a small budget ($300/ month) is something I would never see! Not only do we have relief in our hearts and food on our shelves (which is sad to say we didn't always) we are able to afford some luxeries now that we wouldn't have before. My husband got me an i-Pad recently, just as a thank you/I love you gift. It was very sweet, now we wouldn't be very frugal if we did things like that all the time, but we don't, so once in a while, I think it is OK to splurge. (though I still have guilt sometimes about it, admittedly not enough to return it, but what are you gonna do?)

Well, this concludes my sad and short first post... but stay tuned for some GREAT things to come. Look forward to seeing you soon!... in a matter of speaking.


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