Friday, September 2, 2011

Teriyaki Broccoli Chicken

As every parent knows, some days are easier than others when it comes to deciding what to make for dinner. Even if you have a meal plan, there are nights when that is the last thing you want to stick to! OR maybe, you have great meal plans and stick to it regularly, but forgot to take into account leftovers.

Every now and then, I will take the different left overs in my fridge and combine a few of them to make a whole brand-new dish. This happened a few weeks ago, and Oh My Gosh! I keep making it over and over again because it was so flippin' good!

So I thought I'd share.

The best thing about this recipe is that there are not any measured out portions; you use what you have. If you have more chicken than broccoli, you'll have more chicken than broccoli. If you have a lot of broccoli and only and ounce or two of chicken, no worries, it's great both ways!

So, without further ado, here it is!

Teriyaki Broccoli Chicken

Leftover Chicken, Shredded
Broccoli (Left over or fresh, cooked to the desired tenderness, raw works well too if you like it that way)
Olive or Canola Oil
Teriyaki Sauce or Marinade
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
Ground Ginger
Salt Pepper

In a frying pan or skillet, pour enough oil to coat the bottom. Turn unit on medium.
Place desired amount of chicken in skillet, and sprinkle even amounts of Garlic Powder, Onion Powder and Ground Ginger over the top. Stir chicken and seasonings a few times.
Add in the amount of Broccoli you wish to use, covering the chicken. Sprinkle the Broccoli with Salt and Pepper to taste. Stir Broccoli and Chicken together until mixed.
Add Teriyaki Sauce to taste (I usually use about 1 ½ tsp. for every 2 cups of Broccoli, but you can use more or less depending on what you like)
Heat through stirring frequently, then serve.