Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Couponing Saved Our Family!!!

Recently my health has gone down-hill... pretty badly. Don't worry - it is nothing serious, I'll be OK after a while! But for now, I'm pretty miserable. Thus the reason I haven't been blogging or anything lately. I feel kind of OK right now, I'm hoping that this is a sign I'm on the up-hill climb now... but not counting on it.

I've been sick for more than a month now and I haven't had energy or strength consistently enough to even organize my coupons lately, in fact I'm about 4 weeks behind! (I'm secretly glad there aren't going to be any coupons in the paper this Sunday.)

Anyway... the point I'm getting to is this... Like I've said before, I started using coupons and after a few months we already paid of a huge chunk of debt. We are still on the track to being totally debt free by the middle of 2012 (out of all of our current debt) and we should also be able to get me  anew car!!! (I'll post more about the car later.) In addition to that, we are even planning our kids very first Disneyland Vacation!!! I'm very excited about this, and I will probably do a small blog-post series about Disneyland too! :)

But, these last few weeks when I've been sicker than a dog (not sure exactly what that phrase even means) I've really been grateful for the fact that I've been able to start a nice sized food storage. Thanks to coupons the last few months, we were able to stock up on a lot of food and house-hold products.

When I got sick, I had no energy at all to go to the store. My husband had to go to work, and when he'd get off of work, he had to come straight home to take car of our kids and myself. So when ever he went to the store, he always had to go really quickly and only was able to have time to get the basics, bread and milk. He has been so wonderful; going to work everyday, coming home and taking care of the kids, making dinner, getting them ready for bed, cleaning the house, doing dishes and the laundry... the whole while I am sitting on the couch half dead and barely able to life my head some days. So a HUGE thank you and I love you to my husband!

Back to the point though... :)

SO... We have been relying a LOT on our built up food storage this last month and it has been such a life-saver.

When I finally feel well enough to get back to our normal routine I will have to play catch-up again on a lot of the things we've used up, but it has been so nice to not have to worry about the fact that I can't even go to the store to get basic groceries for my family.

My kids have had food to eat (and lots of it) as well as clean clothes and all their needs have been met because of our storage.

On a side note... My kids LOVE that I've been so sick. Because all day when Daddy is at work, we all get to sit on the couch, read books and watch a lot of TV. Don't get used to it kids... The TV will be off for about a month once Mommy feels better and we are all going outside for a LONG time to make up for this :)