Saturday, September 24, 2011

Frugality for the Future Requires Faith

A couple of days ago, I reached the end of my rope.

We have been fighting like mad trying to get out of debt, and pull ourselves into a situation where we can start saving for our own house. While coupons and other saving strategies have helped to put us right on track to be debt free by the middle of next year, (current debt only, barring any unforeseen obstacles we have yet to meet) we keep running into the problem that the middle of next year may not be soon enough.

In my Coupon Classes that I teach, I frequently say that we have no control over the price stores charge you for the items you buy... but we can take control of what we pay for those items. A few years ago if you had told me that my family and I were going to debt free by the middle of 2012, I would have laughed in your face and called you crazy. But now, thanks to a lot of hard work and sacrifice, we are almost there.

But, our situation has changed, and waiting till the middle of next year to be debt free could be detrimental. And, just like grocery store prices - change and time are some things I have absolutely no control over.

So, a couple days ago, I reached the end of my rope! I fell apart and had no idea what we were going to do. There was absolutely no way we could cut more from our budget in order to pay off debt. Something had to happen because we were doing everything w could already think of. Realizing that I couldn't control time, or our situation I asked myself,

"What do I have control over?"

The answer came to me as a small thought, every bit as annoyingly as it did when my mom would say it to me when I was growing up. The only thing you ever really have control over is yourself.

After I thought about it and heaved a sigh of frustration, I knew that was true. I can only control myself. So, what about me could I control that could possibly help this mess we were in? Three things came to mind:


I could choose to continue falling apart and throw a temper tantrum if I wanted to. It was my choice to make after all, but would that help or solve anything? Sadly, no. So the alternative was to keep a positive attitude and even though, my attitude wouldn't solve anything either, it would at least help my husband stay calm, and we could work through it together... Somehow.

Patience is a virtue and telling someone that when they are stuck between a rock and a hard place is like tempting a rabid wolf by stand two inches from it's face... Daring it not to bite you. But never the less, exercising patience was one thing I knew I had to do. If I wasn't patient, then my attitude would only get worse and all my efforts in having a positive attitude would be for nothing.

Lastly, but most importantly FAITH! I had to have faith that as long as my husband and I were doing everything we could do, that something would come along to help us out. God truly does help those who help themselves, but not unless you ask for that help. He loves us and is waiting to send us blessings, we just have to do all we can and ask for help making up the rest that we can't manage on our own.

Now, I don't care if you are Catholic, Presbyterian, Buddhist, Jewish, Mormon, Atheist or have any other belief system. A quote from the movie Serenity comes to mind. Shepherd Book is talking to Mal, and in exasperation he tells him, "I don't care what you believe in, just believe in it."

Those words are so true! (even though they did come from a movie)  If we allow ourselves to wonder aimlessly through life, without any hope or belief, there would be no reason to do anything at all.

Things happen for a reason, whether we choose to see reason in the things that happen is entirely up to us.

I'm still at the end of my rope right now, but I'm still hanging on. Somehow, my efforts combined with the efforts of my husband will eventually combine grace and mercy, and we just might meet in the middle.

Happy savings, and keep hoping and keep close to your faith... Whatever your current circumstances might be!

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