Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dating for $5.00 or Less

These days it seems that everyone has to be on a budget. Between the economy and even just gas prices on the rise, no one can hardly afford to go anywhere. But just because you are on a budget and your finances may be tight, doesn't mean you have to sacrifice romance or your regular date nights. In fact, during those times, it may be even more important to make sure and have those weekly date nights just so you can keep your sanity! Our relationships are so important, and we sometimes forget that between bills, kids, and deadlines. So here are just a few ideas for great dafe nights that cost only $5.00 or less!!!

-take a walk to the closest fast food chain, and order a couple things each off the dollar menu. The walk and then eating, and the walk home will give you plenty of time to talk together while still getting out of the house.

-Make a nice meal together and have a candle-lit dinner at home. Play some soft music in the front room and enjoy a private dance together! My husband did this once, very sweet and romantic!
Free (unless you need to buy candles, then $4.00 for a bunch of little tea light candles)

-Book store discussion: go to your local bookstore and brows the shelves, talking about your likes and dislikes. Pick out a cheap chapter book that looks intestine to you both and read it together out loud , taking turns after 1 or 2 chapters. 
$1.00 -$5.00

-Go to the dollar store and look at all the strange things you can find. Laugh at all the oddities. Buy some craft to do together or grabs couple different games to play when you get home.
$2.00 - $4.00

-Take along walk in the park. Even take some time to play on the swings or the slide! Be kids again for a while.

-keep your eyes open for the discounted tickets or special deals to nisei sin the area. Some places even have free exhibits! Believe it or not, a museum can be done under $5.00, it just might take a little more effort to find the deal.

-I don't know if everywhere has one, but in Kaysville Utah, there is always the option to go to a movie! Sunday through Thursday you can go to the Kaysville movie theater for just $2.00 per person! Great might out for a great price!

-Get a group date together and play all the games you did when you were a kid, like musical chairs, red rover, tag, duck-duch-goose, and even hide and seek! 

-Movie/Picnic: make your favorite sandwiches, send the kids off to grandma's and get a red box movie or just watch a movie you lardy own. Spread a blanket down, and even grab some  pillows if you want, and eat your picnic while you watch a movie! Cheesy maybe, but still fun and relaxing!

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