Saturday, March 12, 2011

Helping Others

Ther are times in everyone's lives, some people more often than others, when you really have an oportunity to help someone else. Serve them, or share your jnowledge with them to help them become a better person, and feel better about themselves. I've had many opportunies to help others in the past, different ways of serving others and teaching them. But, for me, the times when I've helped people most is when I have been able to teach them something new, or re-teach them something they already knew in a new and different way that they could actually understand it better in order to take full advantage of their new found knowledge.

One of the biggest times in my life when I as able to help people the most was a few years ago when I was blessed with the opportunity to serve a full Tim LDS mission. I went back east, and had the amazing privilege to get to know some wonderful people and share with them my deep and lasting beliefs. While I was out, I got to serve people and as I served them, I grew to love them. All of them. It was an incredible experience.

Now, I'm blessed with chance to serve as a teacher in my church. Once a month I get to stand at the head of a classroom full of these amazing women and share my testimony and exchange experiences with them. They are all so wonderful, and I feel so dwarfed by so many of them, that I feel inadequate sometimes about the fact that I am teaching them... But when I say just the right thing at just the right time, I can see in their eyes, that I somehow helped to give them hope...

That's what I think is really at the heart of it anytime we help anyone in anyway. We are bringing hope!

In that moment that we let ourselves out of our comfort zone just a bit and let ourselves give to another person, we bring that hope to them. We let them know they can make it through this, they can do it, and they are not alone!

I am now teaching Free Coupon classes for Grosery Smarts, and while I do get a paid a little, it is not that much. I didn't start teaching them to make money though. When I first started shopping with coupons, it happened because of a friend. She was hosting a class at her house and invited me. I was soj skeptical and I really didn't want to go. The only reason I ended up going at all, is because she was one of my best friends, I had not seen her in a long while, and on top of that, the few times we almost got together the few months before that, we ended up cancelling for one reason or another. So I decided I would go, but on,y to show that I was a good friend, and that I supported her. The first time I came home from the grocery store with a car load full of groceries for under $15.00, I took a picture and posted it all over my Facebook page. After that I started getting people wanting to know how I saved so much money, so I hosted a class... Then another one... And I still had people asking me how. I wonted to be able to help people feel that hope! Help them feel that they could take charge of something as big as their finances. It is such an empowering and freeing feeling. I just want yo share it with everyone.

I want to share hope!!!

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