Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Printable Coupons at Kent's

I think I have heard it before, but I never paid much attention to it since I never shopped there. But, Kent's Market does not accept coupons printed from your computer! I know they used to at one point, but no longer do due to the fact that so many fraudulent coupons keep going around. I am not sure when they stopped doing it (not that that is very relevant) but they aren't any more.

I think that is just one more reason we all need to be aware of fraudulent coupons, how to spot them and share that knowledge with others. I did a post early this month that touched a little bit on the subject of fraudulent coupons and coupon abusebut I am thinking I should write another one going into detail about fraudulent coupons themselves.

Anyway, put Kent's on your list of stores that will not accept online coupons. The list will undoubtedly keep growing, so if you know of others, let us all know!

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