Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Earn Swagbucks for using Coupons!

Every week we see new sales at different stores, those sales are paired with coupons so that we can get the best deal for our money. While most of those coupons are from the newspaper, some of them are found on-line! We print those out and then take them to the store with our other coupons to save BIG on things we use everyday.

WELL, what if you could get twice the bang for your buck? You can! Swag-bucks has coupons that are found at You print them out the same way you do from other sites, but when you print them through Swagbucks, you'll get swagbucks just for using the coupons you were going to use anyway! Here is how to do it!

First, log into
Once you do, you'll see on the left hand column a link that says "coupons"

Click on that link and it will take you to their coupons list (They are the exact same coupons as, and you won't be able to print coupons from both sites)

Check the coupons you want to print and you are done! Remember to print each one twice!

Once you print your coupons and redeem them at the store, it will take 8 - 10 weeks for the points to show up on your account, but hey, you're still saving money and you were gonna use those coupons anyway, so you might as well use them from Swagbucks. You'll get 10 swagbucks awarded to your account for each coupon used.

Happy savings!

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