Monday, March 14, 2011

Easy Breakfast Danish

The other day I made these wicked-yummy super-fabulous "'home-made" danish pastries for breakfast! (I use the term home-made loosely here because the dough is store bought.) Thought I would share the recipe with you all! Enjoy, and if you try them out, feel free to leave a comment and let me know how you liked them :)


You will need:
2 packages Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
1 8 oz. Package Cream Cheese
4 Tbsp. Seedless Raspberry Jam (any flavor jam will work)
¼ Cup Powdered Sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla

1 Cup Powdered Sugar
1/2 Stick Butter
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 Tbsp. Evaporated Milk (can substitute whole milk)

Mix the softened cream cheese, jam, 1/4 cup powdered sugar and 1 tsp. vanilla. in medium sized bowl with a hand mixer on low-medium speed untill smooth.

Open the crescent rolls, and pinch 2 triangles together to make a larger square. Repeat. You will end up with four squares.

Spread each square generously with the cream-cheese and jam mixture, leaving one end of each square with about a 1/4 inch untouched, dry and clean.

Roll each square into a log ending on the clean end, and pinching it closed along the seam, as well as the ends, to help prevent oozing as it cooks. Place seam on bottom to bake.

Bake for 15-17 minutes, until the tops are a nice golden brown.

While baking, mix the ingredients together for the icing in a medium sized bowl until smooth, then on high until it starts to take on a slightly whipped appearance.

Remove from oven and let cool only about 5 minutes, then while still warm drizzle the icing on top, allow it melt into the pastry. Cool an additional 2-3 minutes before serving.

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